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Financial Literacy and Investment Basics - 30 minute Call Blocks

Financial Literacy and Investment Basics - 30 minute Call Blocks image 1

For two years I have been volunteering time, providing free financial literacy and investing courses. I have worked with all age groups, from high school students to medical professionals, preparing for retirement. Many of my current calls have evolved from basic financial literacy courses to bi-weekly coaching, where I walk individuals through the basic concepts of investing. Background: * MBA in Finance * Multiple years experience in high net worth wealth management * Current role as a Financial Analyst for a tech company * I have a passion for spreading financial literacy (my master's dissertation was based on this) and am happy to share my knowledge for free to anyone who is dedicated and interested in improving their financial knowledge ** Please note: * This is purely community and service, I am fully aware of how our schooling system fails to teach us basic financial concepts. I am passionate about spreading knowledge to help individuals take control of their own finances. There is no catch, no sales pitch, no solicitation. * I currently work a full time job and only take five, 30 min calls a week. I currently have two time slots available for the next few weeks, please email to inquire. In your email, please introduce yourself and specify your background, reasons for reaching out. FAQ - (I've had about a dozen people ask this question via email) Can you give an example of what type of financial products you would recommend to a young person (20's/30's) with stable income looking to invest for retirement? Generally, everyone should aim for low cost, global diversification. The best way to achieve this is through low cost, market cap weighted index funds. Market Cap weighted index funds are the most sensible investment for most people. They represent the entire market. They deliver the market risk premium. They are low cost, diversified, accessible, tax efficient and they are really hard for active managers to beat. Most importantly, they are simple and easy to utilize. Feel free to ask any questions via email. Thank you!

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